Getting to San Pedro, Belize
Getting to San Pedro, Belize
Directions to make your travel day pass with ease

Often while planning for a trip it’s important to also research how to get from point A to point B. And with so few tools out there to help with traveling around Belize I wanted to share how we were able to get to San Pedro Island in Belize. *If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Choose your seat wisely when boarding as they pack in people like sardines and the ride is over an hour and a half long. Prepare for a numb bum and for a visual transition of murky brown water to the sparkling teal blue you’ve dreamt of from pictures. En route you will pass by other islands, one of which is the other well known island, Caye Caulker (pronounced ‘key’ Caulker). Don’t worry they shout which island they are stopping at so that you depart at the correct one.
When you arrive at San Pedro, the boat will dock at the center of the island where town is and only a breezy two-minute walk to the closest hotel, the Mayan Princess. If your hotel is further away there are taxis waiting to swift travelers off their feet to their end destination.

TIPS for getting to San Pedro, Belize
- The taxi fare from the Belize City airport to the Marine Termianl should be a fixed rate (I believe around $25 USD) TOTAL.
- Purchase round trip tickets as they are cheaper than two one-way tickets and can be used at any time during a three-month time period.
- Don’t lose your luggage tags they hand you
- the boat ride from Belize City is almost two hours, so be prepared and try to find a comfortable seat
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